Join me as we fly to South America for the first time on Bolivia’s national carrier, which has recently received new Airbus A330s to replace its old Boeing 767s.

I’ll be flying from Madrid over the Atlantic to Santa Cruz, Bolivia’s main city, so we’ll see how excellent or horrible the airline is.

We began our voyage on a gorgeous afternoon from Madrid, flying my first flight to South America. I took Bolivian Airlines’ lone flight to Europe, which departs twice a week.

The ticket was €900 in economy class, but you’d be amazed how much I paid to upgrade to business class.

Out of curiosity, I inquired at the check-in counter about the cost of upgrading to business class on an 11-hour flight. The check-in assistant mentioned €40, which confused me because I assumed she meant 400 or more. So I inquired again to be sure she meant €40, and she responded absolutely, 40!

After checking in, I headed to the Iberia Lounge, which was now included in my ticket purchase. Trust me, in all my years as a travel content maker, I’ve never had such a discount, so it’s always worth asking the check-in agent for an upgrade offer, as they occasionally seem to have killer deals like this one for €40.

I had no idea what the cabin looked like because Bolivian Airlines operates Virgin Australia A330s, so I went to Google while relaxing in the lounge, but there was nothing about their flights, so I guess I’ll be the first to mention it!

You are undoubtedly wondering, “Josh, why have you never been to South America?”. I’ve always been captivated by various regions such as Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and North America, but I’ve never had a strong urge to visit South America, for whatever reason.

I never had any friends from there, the culture didn’t appeal to me, and the first thing that comes to mind when I think of South America is the Amazon jungle and giant spiders, which I’m terrified of.

It probably seems incredibly shallow, but that’s one of the reasons I never ended up there. I’d traveled LATAM twice on European flights and once from Auckland to Sydney before, but I was really looking forward to going to South America this time.

Perhaps when I arrive in Bolivia and immerse myself in the culture, I will realize, “Oh my God, what have I been missing out on for the last 37 years?!”

My first opinion was that it looked pretty good. There were lots of big fluffy pillows at the seat, a comfort kit, and some bedding that looked pretty wonderful, so I was looking forward to trying it out and sleeping well.

There is a universal power outlet on the seat and some cheap in-ear headphones that are of poor quality.

My first impression of the crew was that they were quite nice, and I particularly appreciated the seat privacy with the partition.

Do You Want A $40 Business Class? Bolivian Airlines Delivers!

Unfortunately, some people had to be offloaded owing to a medical issue, which delayed our departure by 2 hours. But, being in the front with a cozy flat bed, I didn’t mind the delay because it meant we’d arrive in Bolivia during daylight hours, giving me some fantastic views.

We were then pushed back and accelerated out of Madrid.

An hour into the flight, I was served a hot supper with chicken, potatoes, salad, cheese, and chocolate cake for dessert. The tableware given was plastic, which may not appeal to everyone.

On a more positive note, the linen felt amazing and was quite comfortable, so I was confident I’d be sleeping soundly following my supper.

We had 9 hours to go at this point, so I slept on the wonderful linen supplied.

I slept for a solid 6 hours because to the nice seat and mattress.

Do You Want A $40 Business Class? Bolivian Airlines Delivers!

Fortunately, I carried my own toothbrush on this flight because the airline’s amenity packs for overnight flights do not include a toothbrush. Another little detail that the airline can work on.

Following that, we were served breakfast. It included yogurt, strawberries, buns, coffee, scrambled eggs, beans, and plenty of greens.

We began down into Bolivia, and due to the two and a half hour delay, we landed during daylight, which was great since I got to see the magnificent terrain. The drawback was that all of the international planes from Miami, Mexico City, and another Madrid flight arrived at the same time, so immigration was likely to be quite congested.

As we descended, I noticed that we were rather low, perhaps 600 or 700 metres, with neither flaps or landing gear deployed. Perhaps due to the altitude? I’m not so sure.

The ground experience was frantic and noisy, particularly at the baggage claim, but my initial impression of Bolivia was that everyone is incredibly friendly.

Everyone speaks English, and everyone was really understanding that I did not speak Spanish. The hotel’s check-in staff were also quite polite, and they allowed me to check in early due to my Bonvoy membership.

So, what do I think about Bolivian Airlines? First if I had simply spent €900 for economy class, I would have probably concluded, “Hmm, this is not so good.”

However, I ended up spending €940 for Business Class, which is actually rather reasonable for an 11-hour flight. The food was adequate, the crew was pleasant, and the seat was really comfortable.

Overall, I had a very positive experience. I believe that Bolivian Airlines is all about the small elements, such as the lack of headphones, the malfunctioning in-flight entertainment system.

Many people would make a huge deal about this. I don’t really care, but these are the tiny things you might not get if you anticipate them in Business Class.

The arrival experience was a little rushed, but overall, I would suggest Bolivian Airlines. Definitely.

Also, if you book a full fare, as I did, request an upgrade, and you may receive a €40 upgrade as well.

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