Many people dream about it, but few have really done it. I am one of the latter, and I will tell you how you can also travel to Antarctica.

The coldest continent on Earth is accessible from New Zealand, South Africa, and Argentina/Chile. Expeditions are undertaken for a variety of reasons, including scientific study, charity fundraising, world record attempts, and just for tourism.

In this blog, I’ll focus on departing from Argentina/Chile for sightseeing; chances are, this is also the most relevant combination for you. Finally, I found the best and most beneficial discounts at Chimu Adventures.

How can I get to Antarctica?

You need to go through Ushuaia!

How do I go to Ushuaia?

Ushuaia, a small city in Argentina’s far south, is nicknamed “fin del mundo” due to its geographical location: it is the world’s most southern city. Most tourist trips depart from this city, so it’s packed with Gore-Tex-clad, Nordic walking stick-wielding 40-somethings.

There isn’t much to see in the city itself; there are a few climbs, but nothing compares to the breathtaking El Calafate and El Chalten, around 500 kilometers to the northwest. You may easily travel to Ushuaia by flying from Buenos Aires; ticket rates range from 200 to 300 euros depending on the season.

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What is the cheapest method to travel to Antarctica.

Where can I save money?

When is the ideal time to go to Antarctica?

How long does the trip take?

I’m assuming you didn’t buy your tickets before reading this article. Good, since you just saved USD 5,000. When you phone an Antarctic travel operator from your hometown, they will quote you the advertised price, which is usually around USD 10,000.

When time is on your side and the boats need to be filled with passengers, you can schedule the same tours at half price. Don’t worry if you’re too late to buy a ticket; boats leave every day during the season (November to March).

Simply add a couple of extra days to your itinerary and go about Ushuaia knocking on every agency’s door, citing the lowest price you’ve heard from other agencies. The cheapest package I heard about was an 8-day boat trip early in the season (November) for roughly USD 3,000.

All agencies have comparable packages, but it’s important to evaluate the details (how many people will be on the boat, how many times will you be permitted on land, will you be able to walk over the continent or just the islands?). The Lonely Planet on Argentina contains an up-to-date list of agencies, however keep in mind that new agencies appear out of nowhere every year.

My trip cost USD 4,750, which included a bus ride to Puntas Arenas (Chile), a hotel stay with breakfast, a flight to an Antarctic island, and an 8-day tour on a half-full 84-person boat with (luxurious) breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Twice a day, I was taken to the continent by a robust rubber boat for a hike. I had a two-bed cabin on the boat to myself, and in between meals, the cheerful guides onboard would deliver lectures about nature, history, and current events.

I don’t think I need to explain this to you; it was a life-changing experience, and just looking at the photos makes me want to go back.

Aside from the occasional facepalm moments created by the inexperienced Russian and American families on board, you will be able to interact with Earth’s actual environment and fauna. If you make it out to this exotic tourist location, say hello to Johnny for me!

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