Managing your menstruation is not always easy. Let alone when you’re flying internationally in a cramped place with only one small restroom facility. Additionally, plane travel may disrupt your body’s normal rhythm if you are flying during your periods. Which is important to know because it might occasionally affect your period.

We spoke with Emily, a Flight Attendant with Virgin Atlantic. She explains that when there is a “significant time change, your internal regular biological clock gets thrown off.” Emily realized this after noting a shift in her period. She clarifies: “Over the years my menstrual cycle has become more and more erratic.” Emily’s doctor informed her that this was due to ‘circadian rhythm.’

Changes in your habit, as well as long-distance travel, might have an impact on your menstrual cycle. Either starting your period sooner than usual or disrupting your normal flow.

This is clear, but it is undoubtedly necessary. If you’re flying, make sure you’ve packed enough period care materials. This is a fantastic tip even if you’re not on your period. Being prepared is usually a good idea. Plus, even if you don’t need them, someone else might!

Unfortunately, many airlines do not provide period care in-flight, or if they do, the availability is extremely restricted. The last thing you want is to have your period during the flight or run out of tampons/pads in the air!

We recommend filling up before your flight and packing a few in your hand luggage. If you need to restock before your vacation, check out our selection of organic pads and liners.

Let’s discuss menstruation cramps. If you (like me) get terrible cramps on your period, keep this in mind if you’re flying during your period. Warming up a hot water bottle or running a warm magnesium bath is not an option in this case. So, what can you do to relieve your cramps while flying?

To get to the cause of the problem, look into on-the-go travel solutions. Cramp treatment balms and patches are one option. Check out Forage Botanicals’ Moon Time Belly Balm and Be You patches. Both are manufactured from natural substances. More natural pain management methods can be found here!

Avoid inflammatory foods and drinks when flying to relieve stomach pain and bloating. This includes foods and beverages heavy in sodium, sugar, dairy, or white grains. Processed meals and alcohol are also major offenders.

It is recommended that you eat fresh meals at the airport before your journey. Then pack unsalted almonds, fruit packs (from the airport), and fresh water to sip during your travel. Obviously, if you’re taking a long-haul flight, you might be given food during the journey. Don’t feel compelled avoid this and go hungry! Enjoy whatever you desire. Simply be aware of what affects your digestive system and remember to keep hydrated.

Changing your tampon or pad in the middle of the flight might be challenging. Not all toilets will have a separate container for used menstruation items. So, what should you do when you change?

This is where portable disposal options like FabLittleBag come in handy. These are also biodegradable, making them environmentally friendly. Simply open the bag, insert your old product, shut it, and dispose of it in the toilet’s designated trashcan. If there is no toilet, place the wrapped bag in your handbag until you find one!

When flying, you should always wear loose, comfortable clothing. An hour into the flight, you’ll wish you hadn’t put on those pants with an uncomfortable waist. It’s especially crucial to dress comfortably when flying during your period.

Look for casual and comfy options that will allow your body to breathe during the travel. Organic cotton jumpsuits and shorts are both good options. For more suggestions on what to dress during your period,

Hopefully, the next time you’re flying during your period, these recommendations will help you prepare and fly comfortably.

More tips and guidance on managing your period, including top period hacks for when you’re traveling.

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