Everyone is on the move now that summer is here. For most people, including myself, the airport is a shining example of endless queues and madness but you should learn airport hacks. I’ll never forget the occasion when our connecting flight through London was delayed, leading myself and my family to miss our journey home.

While being trapped in London seems like the plot of a rom-com in which I meet a cute British guy, believe me, it wasn’t. Hundreds of COVID-19-infected passengers missed their flights, forcing everyone to wait in a line that stretched throughout the airport. Our face masks were ineffective against the crowds of sick travelers.

Eventually, the airport transferred us via bus to a hotel on the outside of town. We arrived at the motel late at night, in severe need of services and clothing. Since the London disaster, airports have not been my favorite spot. I’m continually missing bags, trying to find gluten-free meals, and dealing with flights that are never on time. As an experienced flier, here are my airport survival recommendations after the London fiasco.

Explore Airport Hacks: A Survival Guide 2024

This primarily relates to non-direct flights. If you miss your flight during a layover, as I did, you do not want to sleep in your airport clothing. The quantity of dirt, germs, and ickiness in airports is excessive. I recommend carrying the following five items: pajamas, an extra set of day clothes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and perfume.

While airport security will not let you through with a full water bottle, you can carry an empty one and refill it after the security check. That way, you won’t have to spend $9 on an 8-ounce bottle of water. This is also an excellent choice if you plan to walk throughout your trip!

Most airlines have really poor Wi-Fi, so if you want to listen to your favorite trip record (Lana Del Rey is my pick for a main character moment), make sure you download it. In this vein, I highly recommend that you bring headphones or earphones. You don’t want to binge-watch your favorite show without sound. And don’t play it too loudly (I believe so passionately in this that I wrote an article last week about why people should wear headphones).

Despite my father’s advice, I decided not to bring warm clothes for my first overnight journey. Unfortunately, most airlines do not provide blankets unless you are traveling first class, which I am not. And, if you’ve never been on an overnight flight, it’s frigid. Like, freezing. After shivering through my first flight, I never fly without an extra blanket.

If you’ve never heard the term “juice jacking,” it was invented by an investigative writer in 2011 to explain what happens when hackers infect USB charges. Charging your device with these infected chargers allows hackers to install malware, export data such as credit card numbers and passwords, lock you out of your device, and risk your overall security. That, and finding an empty exit in an airport, is practically impossible. Any available plugs are quickly grabbed by panicked phone owners, and I don’t blame them. There’s nothing quite like the sensation of plugging in your device with one percent battery. Still, make sure you carry your own portable charger.

If you plan to eat at the airport, Google the restaurants that are available so you don’t waste time running around to find some decent food without questionable ingredients. If you have dietary restrictions, I suggest contacting your airline beforehand so they can make accommodations.

To make sure you survive the airport on your next trip, review these important and usually overlooked tips: bring the essentials in your carry-on, a portable charger, an extra blanket, an empty water bottle, download your music and plan meals ahead of time. Now that you’re fully prepared with the technical details, you can enjoy your summer travels stress-free!

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