Of course, during my travels, I heard several stories of tourists who were robbed. You must be alert, for example, in South (like Colombia and Peru) and Central America (like Mexico, Nicaragua, and El Salvador), where many people do not have much money to spend; so, you are a walking dollar for them, and keep that in mind!! Here are Top 20 Travel Tips that I use to reduce my risk of being robbed or harassed.

My Top 20 Travel Tips To Reduce Risk and Stay Safe

Take note that it is wise to have more than one credit card or any of your financial cards with you are on vacation just in case the wrong hand gets on it.

Always, I have a large amount of cash in USD in case of an emergency.

Spread your assets (phone, iPad, camera, USD, other currency notes, credit cards) in your baggage and person.

Make copies of your IDs in case of an emergency.

I usually keep a copy of emergency phone numbers to block my cards, embassy locations and phone numbers, and login information for critical websites.

Wear a secret money belt with your passport, credit card, and some USD below your clothes at least for overnight travel.

Never place your bag in the overhead luggage; instead, keep it on your lap or underneath your legs on the ground while traveling. They will try to get in when you are asleep.

Put locks on your bags; I usually use several high-quality locks; the higher the hurdle, the less likely they are to get in. I even lock my things at my hotel when I go for a day or a tour; it makes me feel better.

I don’t go much on Chicken buses (extremely inexpensive local buses); instead, I prefer shuttles, which are safer, faster, and meet more visitors.

I communicate with the locals; I believe this fosters empathy and increases the likelihood that they will protect you if necessary.

Top 20 Travel Tips to Keep You Safe In Foreign Country.

Do not let your people lavish in luxury by buying fancy wrist watches and jewelry.

Do not let your people lavish in luxury by buying fancy wrist watches and jewelry.

Don’t appear fragile or inebriated to them; you’ll make an easy target!

Walking the streets at night should be done with caution; inquire around and use common sense to determine which streets and locations are safe to walk. I always ask at hotels when and

where it is safe to walk.

Try not to be provocative in terms of dress code, for instance, do not wear revealing clothes, which would be improper in many Latin American countries.

Note: Indeed, you must have reasonable travel insurance before going for the holiday or the trip of your desire so that in the event of something wrong the most will be catered for!

I prefer Uber taxis over local taxis, however, they are not always available.

Don’t be too stressed out, and exhibit confidence!! This is a significant problem for me: being tough and knowing how to deal with the world, which is true because you are on the other side of the planet!!!!

Don’t become engaged with drugs; I’ve heard bad things about it. I don’t use drugs and I do not want to find myself in a situation where one has to offer the police a ‘bailout’ in the form of cash.

It would also be advisable to attempt learning some of the local language (for instance Spanish) when making contact as this can help one escape from a worse-off position.

Don’t forget to enjoy your journey, don’t panic, and have faith in others; not everyone has bad intentions against you!

I know some tips are really simple; nevertheless, I have found that they are not so simple for everyone!!! They are only suggestions, and simply following them does not guarantee that you will not be harmed or robbed. While there is a risk of encountering a gang, it is often tiny and tourists are usually left alone.

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