I had low hopes when I first visited Taiwan a few years ago.

However, I was surprised to find myself continuously surrounded by breathtaking mountains, forests, and beaches. My partner and I spent a month in the country, living on a family-run tea estate in the mountains of Fengchihu, cycling down the breathtaking Taroko Gorge, spotting fireflies at night and a sea of clouds in the morning, learning about local traditions from a Native Truku family, cycling along the mist-engulfed East Rift Valley, and taking the slow train or high speed rail everywhere!

Here’s why Taiwan is worth visiting in 2024:

Japan, for example, is experiencing unprecedented popularity and throngs this year.

Unfortunately, Eva Air no longer operates direct flights to Taiwan from India. On my most recent trip, I used Thai Airways with an overnight layover in Bangkok.

Taiwan provides e-visas to Indian passport holders who have valid visas for the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and a few other countries. Apply for the Taiwan ecode using your valid visa from one of the countries listed above, and then use the ecode to fill out the Taiwan evisa application. I received both almost immediately. The visa price is 1600 NTD, or around $50.

Incredible natural beauty.
Friendly, welcoming, and helpful locals.
Unique traditional culture
Easy to locate vegan or vegetarian meals.
Little information in English, resulting in unexpected adventures. That maintains the joy of travel alive in this day of over-information and over-planning!

If you want to get more information on it contact the explore cheap flights.

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